Spectrum Analysers

RSA306B, RSA500A Series, RSA600A Series USB Realtime Spectrum Analysers
The full featured spectrum analyzers you need, in one small, low price package
- Fast forward your work and expand your capabilities with software add-on modules
- Leverage one powerful easy-to-use software across all devices for free
RSA5000 Series Spectrum Analyser
Real-time spectrum analysis for any application
The RSA5000 Series mid-range spectrum analyzer combines the best-in-class RF performance with up to 165 MHz bandwidth and 4th Generation DPX® Technology. This provides the measurement confidence and functionality you demand for everyday tasks and gives you the dynamic range you expect for challenging spectrum analysis measurements.
RSA7100A Wideband Realtime Spectrum Analyser
Wide Bandwidth Analysis / Recording
The RSA7100A wideband signal analyzer offers real-time spectrum analysis up to 800 MHz bandwidth and streaming storage of up to 2 hours of seamless data at full bandwidth in one solution.
- 16 kHz to 14/26.5 GHz frequency range covers a broad range of analysis needs including modulation, pulse, WLAN and frequency/phase settling measurements with SignalVu-PC
- Streaming capture to internal RAID of up to 2 hours at full 800 MHz bandwidth enables environment recording and analysis of long event sequences
- Find and mark events of interest hiding within terabytes of stored data quickly with DataVu-PC
MDO4000 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
The oscilloscope that includes a logic analyser, spectrum analyser and protocol analyser – all synchronized for an integrated view
Although you can use the MDO4000C Series simply as a mixed signal oscilloscope or as a spectrum analyser, the real power comes from the integration of the two. For the first time ever, you can see how your designs perform in both the time and frequency domains on a single instrument. Use powerful trigger, search and analysis tools to zero in on analogue and digital anomalies. Decode serial buses alongside waveforms. And view the RF spectrum at any point in time. Quickly solve complicated design issues with an oscilloscope as integrated as your designs.
MDO3000 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
Six instruments. One Oscilloscope. Infinite Versatility
The MDO3000 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope features six integrated instruments, including a spectrum analyser, function generator and more, giving you the ability to capture analogue, digital and RF signals with one scope. You can even add instruments, analysis functions and upgrade bandwidth as your design challenges evolve.
SignalVu-PC Software
Use with Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers, USB Spectrum Analyzers, MDO4000B/C. The base version is free.One user interface for RF and Vector Signal Analysis
Benchtop performance. SignalVu-PC has nearly all of the same features found on Tektronix’ RSA5000 Series Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers -- and it runs with USB Spectrum Analyzers.
Signal analysis and visualization. SignalVu-PC's free base version has 17 signal analysis and real-time spectrum analysis, and paid add on options for including vector signal analysis, pulsed signal analysis, and commercial wireless signal analysis.
One user interface, many instruments. We created SignalVu-PC software from the RSA6000 and RSA5000 analyzers and made it run on a PC as a stand alone application. It now powers our USB spectrum analyzers, such as the RSA306. We also made it work on many of the mid-range and top performing oscilloscopes, where it is called SignalVu.
SignalVu-PC Introduction and Basic Settings
This video is intended to assist anyone who is new to the Tektronix Realtime Spectrum Analyser software, "SignalVu-PC", and provide instruction on using the controls to make RF measurements.
Basics of Vector Signal Analysis with SignalVu-PC
This video provides a basic overview of what can be seen using vector signal analysis, and provide examples of complex measurements made simple with SignalVu-PC.
Software update gives dramatic sweep speed increase
Sweep speed comparison

10 Great New Features
The September 2017 version of SignalVu-PC comes with 10 great new features. The most significant upgrade in V3.11 is an increase in sweep speed. Acquire data five to six times faster with this updated version of SignalVu-PC.
Other significant improvements:
- DPX 100% POI Performance Improvement
- Windows 10 support
- CISPR Quasi-Peak, Average and Peak detection in Spectrum and Spurious displays. (Opt SVQP)
- Multiple Traces in 'spurious' display
- SignalVu-PC licenses can now be loaded into the instrument for RSA306/500/600.
- Amplitude Correction for all measurements
- Bluetooth V5 measurements. (Opt SV31 with Opt SV27)
- Midas streaming file support
- 1024 QAM support in WiFi measurements
See Release Notes for full details